Shortcut Keys in AX Dynamics 2012

HELP VIEWER SHORTCUT KEYSShortcut-Keys-in-AX-Dynamics-2012-Shortcut-Keys-in-ERP-Shortcut-methods-in-AX-Dynamics-2012-Shortcut-Keys-in-ERP-Easy-way-to-open-work-flow-in-ERP

To do thisPress
Display the Help window.F1
Close the Help window.ALT+F4
Print the current Help topic.CTRL+P
Refresh the help topic.F5
Search for words in a help topic.CTRL+F
Select all contents of a topic.CTRL+A
Move the cursor to the search box.CTRL+E
Display the default help topic.ALT+HOME
Copy selected content.CTRL+C
In a table of contents, select the next and previous item, respectively.DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW
In a table of contents, expand and collapse the selected item, respectively.RIGHT ARROW and LEFT ARROW
Move the cursor to the next hidden text or hyperlink, or Expand All or Collapse All at the top of a topic.TAB
Move the cursor to the previous hidden text or hyperlink.SHIFT+TAB
Perform the action for the selected Expand All, Collapse All, hidden text, or hyperlink.ENTER
Move back to the previous Help topic.ALT+LEFT ARROW
Move forward to the next Help topic.ALT+RIGHT ARROW
Scroll small amounts up and down, respectively, in the currently displayed Help topic.UP ARROW and RIGHT ARROW
Scroll larger amounts up and down, respectively, in the currently displayed Help topic.PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN
Display the Options menu.ALT+O
To do thisPress
Display the Navigation Pane if it is collapsed.ALT+F1
Display key tips for the File menu.ALT
Display the View menu.ALT+V
Display the Windows menu.ALT+W
Display the Help menu.ALT+H
Turn the auto-hide mode for the Navigation Pane on an off.SHIFT+ALT+F1
Move between modules.CTRL+TAB
In the Navigation Pane tree view, select the next and previous item, respectively.UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
In the Navigation Pane, expand and collapse the selected item, respectively.RIGHT ARROW and LEFT ARROW
Move the cursor to the address bar.F11
Use the Back function on the address bar.ALT+LEFT ARROW
Use the Forward function on the address bar.ALT+RIGHT ARROW
Display the shortcut menu for the Presence indicator.CTRL+SHIFT+M
To do thisPress
Move to the record above the currently selected record.UP ARROW
Move to the record below the currently selected record.DOWN ARROW
Move to the first record.CTRL+HOME
Move to the last record.CTRL+END
Move to previous page of records.PAGE UP
Move to next page of records.PAGE DOWN
Open the selection list for a drop-down list.ALT+DOWN ARROW
Select records in a list from the selected record to the first record in the list.CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
Select records in a list from the first selected record to the last record in the list.CTRL+SHIFT+END
Select all records in a list.CTRL+A
To do thisPress
Close the current form without saving changes.ESC or ALT+F4
Create a record.CTRL+N
Delete a record.ALT+F9
If a grid control does not have focus, this keyboard combination selects the first field on the form. If a grid control has focus, this keyboard combination selects multiple records in the grid.CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
If a grid control does not have focus, this keyboard combination selects the last field on the form. If a grid control has focus, this keyboard combination selects multiple records in the grid.CTRL+SHIFT+END
Move to the next control on a non-dialog form.TAB
ENTER (skips buttons; includes fields on all tabs)
Move to the previous control on a non-dialog form.SHIFT+TAB (includes buttons; includes fields only on the current tab)
SHIFT+ENTER (skips buttons; includes fields on all tabs)
Move to the first record.CTRL+HOME
Move to the last record.CTRL+END
Move to the previous record.CTRL+PAGE UP
Move to the next record.CTRL+PAGE DOWN
Move to the next page of records.PAGE DOWN
Move to the previous page of records.PAGE UP
Open a context menu (right-click menu) for the current field.SHIFT+F10
Display the form where the values for the current field are maintained.CTRL+ALT+F4
Print a report of the contents of the current form (auto report).CTRL+P
Refresh the information displayed in the form.F5
Cancel changes and restore the active record.CTRL+F5
Select the button with focus.SPACE
Save changes and close the current form.CTRL+F4
Save changes to a form.CTRL+S
Move to the next tab (when a control on a tab has focus).CTRL+TAB
Move to the previous tab when a control on a tab has focus).CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Expand all FastTabs.CTRL+SHIFT and then press +
Collapse all FastTabs.CTRL+SHIFT and then press -
Expand the FastTab that has focus.CTRL and then press +
Collapse the FastTab that has focus.CTRL and then press -
Move focus to a specific tab.CTRL + the FastTab number
If a FastTab is the second FastTab on a form, then the number of that FastTab is 2.
Select the default button on a dialog form.ENTER
Open the AOTCTRL+D
Open a new Development WorkspaceCTRL+SHIFT+W
Open a new Application WorkspaceCTRL+W
Select all application objects in a nodeSelect one or more application objects under a top-level node, and then press CTRL+A
Open the editor for an application objectCTRL+SHIFT+F2
Open the editor for a query or tableCTRL+O
Open the Comparison toolSelect one or more application objects, and then press CTRL+G
Compile an application objectF7
Go to the previous nodeUP ARROW
Go to the next nodeDOWN ARROW
Move the node upALT+UP ARROW
Move the node downALT+DOWN ARROW
Expand the current nodeRIGHT ARROW
Collapse the current nodeLEFT ARROW
Select multiple itemsCTRL
Cancel the selection of an additional itemCTRL+SPACEBAR
Open the Properties sheetALT+ENTER
Open the Import dialog boxSelect one or more application objects, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+I
Open the Find dialog box to find an element in the AOTCTRL+F
Open the Help documentation for an element in the AOTF1

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